
Understanding Emotions And Emotions Of Children

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As children get older, they experience different emotions (happy, sad, angry, depressed, lonely, etc). Sometimes they may experience more than one of these emotions at the same time. As they experience these emotions, they have to learn to manage them and make sure that they can control them before they become too intense. In order to do this, they need to be aware of what feelings are helpful and which ones are not. They also need to know when it is ok to express feelings. Typical students who are able to manage their emotions can do the above. They can control how they are feeling, stop their emotions before they become too much to handle, and know when it is appropriate to express emotions. These students are also usually more confident with their peers. Since they are becoming more aware of their emotions, they are also able to understand others emotions and experience empathy. As children get older they are also able to use their language to express and share these feelings with others. When typical students experience hard situations, they use strategies to help them overcome the situation. They are good at problem solving and this is why they are able to function well academically and with others.
Some children however do not have the same abilities to regulate their emotions. There are many factors that lead to difficulties with these emotions. Some factors for early childhood students are, they are still learning how to use their language, they do not

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