
Understanding counselling theory. Essay example

Better Essays

Macclesfield College
ABC Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills
Assignment 2
Understanding counselling theory.
Unit 2- R/601/7575
Hana Lewis- 144383 ABC 17970-33

Page 3 : Introduction. (157 words)
Page 3 : Origins of Person- centred counselling (198 words)
Page 4: Key concepts and principles of Person- centred counselling. (288 words)
Page 5 : How does Person-centred counselling, influence the understanding of the development of concept of self? (245 words)
Page 6 : How does person-centred approach inform counselling practice? (267 words)
Page 8-10: Key features and comparison of different models, with the person-centred model. (400 words)
Page 11 : Conclusion. (200 words)
Page 12: References …show more content…

Locus of evaluation, the external locus of evaluation, is a reliance on externals for guidance and affirmation, characterised by ‘shoulds’ and ‘oughts’ and difficulty making decisions. The internal locus of evaluation, is the ability to trust our own self and own valuing system, less influenced by others opinions.
The main principles of person centred model are the core conditions of empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard. They are vital for building a safe therapeutic relationship, in which the client can explore fully.

How does person-centred counselling, influence the understanding of the development of concept of self?
Carl Rogers believed that; ‘clients become empowered to find their own solutions and their own unique, personally meaningful path through life.’
One theory of his client centred psychotherapy was based on the idea that; ‘every person has within an acorn, able to grow into a certain kind of tree, a blueprint for a unique life’
Rogers worked with many others in developing the idea that clients could heal themselves, if only the therapist provided ‘facilitative’ or core conditions of, ‘empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard.’
Rogers used the symbolism of concept of self, being like a plant given water, soil, sun, and fertilizer. In these optimum or ‘facilitative’ conditions the client concept of self can grow and unfold like the plant. The client would

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