
Unit 3 Quiz

Decent Essays

1. One simple means of device handshaking involves polling:
A. The host repeatedly checks the busy bit on the device until it becomes clear.
B. The host writes a byte of data into the data-out register, and sets the write bit in the command register
C. The host sets the command ready bit in the command register to notify the device of the pending command.
D. Answer: All of the above
2. Polling can be very fast and efficient
A. if both the device and the controller are fast
B. if there is significant data to transfer
C. if frequent checks need to be made for data
D. Answer: Option A and B
3. Modern interrupt hardware also supports interrupt priority levels,by
A. allowing systems to mask off only lower-priority interrupts while servicing a …show more content…

a terminal concentrator can multiplex with _________of terminals on a _______port(s) on a large computer.
A. Hundred ,three
B. Thousand,Single
C. Answer: Hundreds, single
D. Million , thousand
6. In serial interface only _____ line(s) is used to transmit data, therefore, only one bit is transferred at a time. Serial interface is used for serial printers and terminals.
A. Three
B. Answer: One
C. Many
D. Two seventy three
7. Most of the I/O processors have its own memory while a DMA module does not have its own memory except for register or a simple buffer area.
A. Answer: True
B. False
8. The advantages of interrupt driven I/O over programmed I/O is that in interrupt driven I/O the interrupt mechanisms free I/O devices quickly.
A. Answer: True
B. False

9. Data buffering is helpful for smoothing out the speed difference between CPU and input/ output devices
A. True
B. Answer :False
10. Input/output Module is needed only for slower I/O devices.
A. Answer :True
B. False
11. The devices are normally connected directly to system bus.
A. True
B. Answer : False
12. Data chaining indicates that the next CCW contains the address of _________ data for the same command, allowing, portions of one record to be written from or read to multiple data areas in

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