
Unit 9 M2 Essay

Decent Essays

Yasmin Unit 9 M2

Describe how three key professionals could be involved in planning support for individuals/Mr.Ali

There are three key professionals working with Mr.Ali and supporting him through his decisions. They are also working together with each other to put together a support plan for Mr.Ali. The three key professionals are; a community psychiatric nurse, support worker and dietician.
Each has a different role in the planning support for Mr.Ali as they are all supporting Mr.Ali with different aspects of his health and well-being.

A Community Psychiatric Nurse is fully trained and has many years experience in a hospital setting before going out into the community. Their experience would …show more content…

If Mr.Ali was to start having a relapse his STR would help identify the early signs and report it to other health professionals involved in Mr.Ali’s care and support. The STR would the support Mr.Ali with any treatment he is involved in.
When Mr.Ali attends the day centre, his support worker may be with him at times to provide emotional support and could also act as an advocate.
As Mr.Ali’s STR, they will be there to support Mr.Ali through anything he finds difficult in his daily life and support him with tasks when needed.
The STR will put their views across to other professionals and Mr.Ali when in the process of creating a support plan. He will be able to pass on his concerns about Mr.Ali and also what he thinks Mr.Ali’s strengths are. The STR will put a lot of information into a support plan as they would know Mr.Ali best due to building a strong compassionate friendship and due to being more involved in Mr.Ali’s personal life than other professionals. Whilst being involved in the support plan the STR will promote Mr.Ali's rights, maintain confidentiality and promote equal opportunities, ensuring Mr.Ali is being treated with respect and dignity, which is part of ethical practice.

A dietician is a trained professional who enables and empowers people to make informed and practical choices about the food they eat and lifestyle choices. They are trained in hospital and

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