
Unsatisfactory Coaching

Decent Essays

Coaching is defined as "enabling another's success and progress by helping them achieve desired growth." Coaching involves creating a trusting two-way partnership that helps an individual achieve their targets.

Self-awareness is the understanding of one's own personality, biases and individuality. One can develop self-awareness at various levels: be aware of your physical sensation, feelings and emotional reactions, and your mental processes such as thoughts, interpretations, beliefs, values and assumptions.

Your effectiveness as a coach depends on your experiences, what you think of value, what assumptions you make about people, how you interpret events, or how you believe people, life or work "ought to be" and you must have sufficient self-awareness …show more content…

Is you want to change that, you can try to change your behavior and that might help somewhat. To have a long-lasting and significant improvement, you should examine who you tend to be in that coaching relationship and perhaps change you beliefs or thoughts or assumptions about the person you are coaching or about the …show more content…

Because people are different, their values and attitude will be different too. The people you coach may be quite different from you. Recognize and accept this to be a more effective coach.

Genuine Interest - Be fascinated with the people you interact with. Spend time with those who have different mindset or different ideas from your own. This may help you know yourself better and be more accepting of others' differences.

What are the Behaviors needed for Developing Self-Awareness

Paying attention to personal reaction - Pay attention to your personal reactions "in the moment" (feelings, thoughts, judgments, biases, etc.) and monitor your own emotional state.

Question you own values, assumptions and reaction - Ask yourself, "How accurate am I in my interpretations? How do my interpretations differ from others?

Engage in self-disclosure - Articulate personal reactions through authentic and relevant self-disclosure (feelings, thoughts, judgments, biases, etc.). Share relevant personal stories or examples (self-disclosure) in a way that helps the other individual and does not shift the attention inappropriately from them. Share what you feel with others... "Here's what I

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