
Urgent Care: A Case Study

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Gratefully, We live in a society where people love helping others and having fun with each other, but Emily Dumler was told two years ago, she was only going to live 6 more months. On August 8, 2013, Emily was a stay-at-home mom and while she was feeding her kids she started to feel unwell. Immediately, she knew something was not right, so she stopped by the Urgent Care Facility. Not long after, the lab results came back and they saw her blood was not clotting. Shortly after that, Emily was admitted to Shawnee Mission Medical Center. She hoped she only was going to be there for less than 24 hours, but she was there for 43 days straight. She figured out she was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin Lymphoma at the age of 32. While she stayed at the

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