
Use of Symbolism and Foreshadowing in Flannery O'Connor's a Good Man Is Hard to Find

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The Use of Foreshadowing and Symbolism in “A Good Man is Hard to Find” When an author writes a story, he or she will generally use different writing techniques to create the piece. These techniques have the ability to turn a story into something truly unique, as they allow the story to unfold in it’s own way. In the short story “A Good Man is Hard to Find”, author Flannery O’Connor used the techniques of symbolism and foreshadowing throughout the entire piece to create a deeply captivating story, as so many of the details mentioned in the beginning of the story are glimpses of the end. The foreshadowing in “A Good Man is Hard to Find” can be seen almost immediately. Within the first paragraph, the protagonist known as “the …show more content…

This is very specific foreshadowing, because in the end of the story, all five on the trip die, and it seems that will lead to the end of their family line. O’Connor also explains how the Grandmother dressed for the trip; she wore a navy dress, white gloves, and a formal hat. The reading states “In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady.”(O’Connor 496). Not only is this foreshadowing, but the grandmother’s outfit can also be seen as a symbol of her skewed moral code and selfishness. When the grandmother carefully chose the outfit for this trip, she was solely concerned with how she would appear in the event that she died on her trip. She was not at all disturbed by the fact that, in the event that there was an accident, her son and grandchildren would die as well. In the same paragraph that discusses the grandmother’s outfit, the colors red, blue, purple, and green are introduced. These colors are mentioned for the first time when discussing the grandmother’s clothes and the mother’s kerchief, and they repeated throughout the entire story. A connection can certainly be seen with the grandmother’s blue dress, because when the reader is first introduced to The Misfit, he is wearing blue jeans, and after his sidekicks kill Bailey, they take his shirt embroidered with blue parrots. It may not be easy to pick up on the repetition of these colors, but they are most

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