
Using Evidence Based Literature Promote Positive Behavior Among Dual Diagnosis Service Users

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This section will provide the rationale of the methods employed and highlight how the study will be performed. The study will examine the population with the sample size identified, data collection method and its analysis will be offered.
Research Approach
This study applies an array of evidence based literature to promote positive behaviour amongst dual diagnosis service users. Research approach relates to the study’s entire formation and its outcome will be dependent on the approach used (SOURCE). The research purpose is to formulate a research question and follow a plan to adequately answer it, (SOURCE). A selected research approach depends on the question being examined, Parahoo (2014). Within research, there exist three identified approaches namely qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods.

You should also discuss your role as a work-based (insider-) researcher and explore the advantages/disadvantages of this role.

Costley et al. (2010) refer to an insider-researcher as the individual with a comprehensive understanding due to their direct connection with the research location. The insider is considered fortunate since they have inside institutional knowledge. This allows the insider-researcher to access individuals (staff and service users), including information that can further augment that understanding.

Ordinarily, an insider-researcher with a variety of available investments looks to influence issues in a work-based situation. (SOURCE)

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