
Varities of Violence Essay

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The books Child of the Dark by Carolina Maria de Jesus and Testimony by Victor Montejo describes the lives of two individuals from different societies. In both of these societies there was much hardship and violence. The two main characters who wrote these books describe life through their point of view and explains the hardship and challenges they had living in a society filled with violence. Victor Montejo lived in a society that was a very poor area. The village was located in Guatemala. Though he lived outside of this village it is where he spent most of his time since he was the schoolmaster. The people in village were very poor and believed in community as a way of life. The villagers were out to help everyone not just …show more content…

Those people ranged from low end soldiers who made their money by raiding villages. To higher end lieutenants. To become a lieutenant for the governments military it seemed as though you had to kill as many people as possible. Outside of the governments military their were bands of guerillas who fought to bring a new government and change to the Guatemalan society. They would attempt to do this by fighting against all people who they saw is believing the government was right. The other type of people in the society around them was the government workers and officals themselves who promised all these small villages such great things but just keep the money themselves instead. If you were defy the government you would be killed, imprisoned or tortured.

Carolina Maria de Jesus in many ways lived off in a worse society then Victor Montejo even though their were some similarities. Carolina lived in a area in Sao Paulo with her three children. In this story it was referred to as a Favela, which is technically a slum. Really it is more then a slum it really means you are secluded from the rest of society in a area where it is almost impossible to get you and your family out of. In this type of area to make money many people including Carolina herself would have to collect aluminum, paper and cardboard or anything else you could find to sell for a little bit of money to support yourself and your family. Usually the money made from this type of acts would be so

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