
Victims Of Child Neglect

Decent Essays

“More children suffer from neglect in the United States than from physical and sexual abuse combined.The US Department of Health and Human Services found that in 2007 there were 794,000 victims of child maltreatment in the US, of those victims 59% were victims of neglect.” (Psychology Today, 2016). Child neglect not only affects the child, but all of society. Together as a community we have to do what we can to stop child neglect because, in the long run, it will save us all money and heartache. Child neglect has numerous effects on the abused child, some of which can be fatal to themselves or to the people around them. Additionally Child neglect cases cost America Billions per year.

What is child neglect and how will an offender be punished …show more content…

Some of the mental concerns will be Anxiety, depression, dissociation, difficulty concentrating, academic problems in school-aged children and adolescents, withdrawn and/or difficulty connecting with others, flashbacks, increased hypervigilance, and difficulty sleeping. How will these problems affect them and the people around them? Because the victims of child neglect are sometimes slow learners special programs are set up so they (and other slow learners) can excel in their classes. As for the problems that take a doctor to help manage, the children can, and will, be prescribed medications to help them focus and help them to become happy more often and less anxious. Thus requiring doctoral staff and group homes to make sure that the child will no longer be hurt by their neglective parent and to make sure that the suffering child takes the medications on time and regulatory. And of course, once again, all of this takes …show more content…

Together as a community we have to do what we can to stop child neglect because, in the long run, it will save us all money and heartache. The things we do when a child is small might seem little or overlooked, but the neglected child will thank you, the case might not turn out in favor of the child, but he or she will know that at least one person cared about them. In the long run the victim will probably have mental problems, thus causing stress for the people who love them and stress for families that the victim might effect through drug, alcohol, or mental problems. But again if we can stop the child neglect when the child is young we, together, can make a difference and help to put a stop to child

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