
Violence: The Role Of Violence In The United States

Satisfactory Essays

We have all heard everyone talking about violence, but what does violence really mean? Violence is the use of force to kill, injure or abuse others in a harmful way. How much violence is there? It is hard to estimate the amount of violence there is in the United States. Most of the violence is never reported. One thing I have notice is there are a huge number of cases in my community (Elkhart In) were there is gun violence from all age and gender groups. An Elkhart man had to take down a memorial that he had made to remember those killed in the past few years. There were 1700 cups around the entire fence spelling out those names. That wasn’t even counting the last 36 people that were killed this year.
There are many kinds of violence that we as people may be aware of and some we may not be aware of such as: …show more content…

It may include threat to cause harm to a person. Psychological Abuse this may include putting someone down, name calling, isolation from family and friends or even threating to commit suicide if a person does not co- operate. Sexual Abuse is when you force yourself to have a sexual encounter with someone who doesn’t want to. This may include making them stop taking birth control, forced pregnancies. Financial Abuse this is when a person use money to control another person make them do things or say things like, if you love me you will give me half or all your paycheck. Spiritual Abuse this abuse I never really knew about until I started writing my paper this uses a religious or spiritual matter to have control over another person. Such as forcing another to follow a certain faith or give up a

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