
Violent Video Games

Decent Essays

Video games suck children into an alternate universe of violence. Many children play violent video games without being aware of the problems they are creating for themselves. Such as being placed covertly in an unhealthy situation physically, mentally and socially. However, it is good to expose kids to technology, but it seems that many of these video games are quite violent and there is a high possibility that these games lead to behavioral problems and isolation issues. Many of these games include guns, grenades, knives and a number of other weapons. They are played from the player’s perspective, allowing the child to think that the screen is the view from their eyes and they are shooting from the gun. Therefore when a child plays they get an odd satisfaction when shooting at others, whether it be aliens, zombies or people. This feeling of satisfaction should be considered inhumane. The average child is enrolled in sports or activities, giving them the opportunity to stay physically healthy. That is all taken away when a child refuses to participate because of an addiction to video games. Becoming unfit is what happens when most children develop bad habits. Slouching is a great example, as a wide variety of kids are prone to the unhealthy yet comfortable position. While playing video games for long hours, a child tends to turn to slouching, straining their neck and discomforting their spin. This makes a child prone to the unwanted possibilities of having

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