
Wage Gap

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Wage Gap Research Paper

Every April, Democrats hold events calling attention to a persistent wage gap between men and women, citing the latest number from the Census Bureau. In 2012, 2013 and 2014, it was 77 cents; in 2015, it was 78 cents; and in 2016, it is now 79 cents.Democrats are relying on a simple calculation from the Census Bureau: a ratio of the difference between women’s median earnings and men’s median earnings. (The median is the middle value, with an equal number of full-time workers earning more and earning less.) That leaves a pay gap of 21 cents.Also annual wage figures do not take into account the fact that teachers — many of whom are women — have a primary job that fills nine months out of the year. The weekly wage is …show more content…

Women nowadays have opportunities that were not obtainable in past decades but must overcome, or in most cases overlook, the barrier of being punished in the long run for simply being a woman; “gender differences in starting salaries are a significant contributor to long-term earning differentials between men and women” (Bowels and Babcock). It seems to me that in the workforce, a woman is a person just as a man is a person, if that person gets the job done right, he or she should be paid for doing so, if not, that person receives repercussions. The influence of gender on this issue is very curious as to why it is even a factor in the first place.According to “” Doing research on the equal work equal pay topic has aroused many questions and proposed solutions, but the lingering query is why employers are still enabling this workplace behavior and discrimination in the 21st century. An article titled, “Equal Work for Equal Pay”: Not Even College Helps Women, was written by “Korva Coleman”; who claims that women are worth less than men when entering the workforce after completing a college degree. Throughout the article, Coleman supports her claim using different studies’ results that “show when men and women attend the same kind of college, pick the same major and accept the same kind of job, on average, the woman will still earn 82 cents to every dollar …show more content…

It is the process of negotiating salaries with employers. To many this would seem like the easiest way to go about solving the issue at hand, and one may ask why it hasn’t been done more, however, the authors Hanna Bowels and Linda Babcock claim that, “women are penalized socially more than men when negotiating for higher pay” (Bowels and Babcock). This means that by one woman trying to solve the problem maturely and merely having a conversation of negotiations with said employer, it will ultimately make the problem worse by elevating it from tangibly making less money to being socially looked down upon for wanting equal treatment as well as potentially still making less money. Bowels and Babcock took this a step further and performed multiple studies on negotiations to find the most efficient and less consequential outcomes possible. The results showed, “although adherence to the feminine stereotype is insufficient, using these ‘‘relational accounts’’ can improve women’s social and negotiation outcomes at the same time” (Bowels and Babcock). When women are negotiating for higher pay the results are more positive when exhibiting “womanly” qualities to the

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