
Wal-Mart Research Paper

Good Essays

A Change Initiative for Wal-Mart
Jennifer Ratcliff
Kaplan University

This paper will focus on a change initiative for Wal-Mart. Next, this paper will analyze how this change will impact the people, products, and processes. Then this paper will focus on the people portion, and provide recommendations to position this change initiative in a manner that results in high performance. Finally this paper will conclude with a summary of how the recommended approach to the change initiative will result in organizational excellence. A company’s image is very important. It shows how a company is viewed as a whole. Wal-Mart has gotten a bad reputation, and many consumers have stopped shopping there because of this image. …show more content…

Ungar (2013) states the following:
Without enough employees to get the basic work of a retail operation done…Wal-Mart merchandise remains stacked on pallets in the warehouse rather than making it to the floor where customers can find the products they want. At the same time, check-out lines are painfully long and annoying as the overall shopping experience continues to deteriorate. One is left to wonder about the value of offering products at a lower price if those products are not on the shelves when the customer needs to buy them (para. 4).
So the impact on the people, processes, and product and services would be positive. The employees would be happier because they would have enough staff, and hours to get the work done. The consumers would be happier because the product on the shelves, and enough employees not to have to stand in long lines. The products and services would be better because there would items on the shelves, and employees able to service the customer. The last change would be the atmosphere. Wal-Mart’s atmosphere is not a positive one. When one looks on social media or reviews of Wal-Mart there’s a certain low class theme. When one goes to Wal-Mart sees carts all over the parking lot. Employees outside smoking or cussing at the tables they set up for them. Some of the types of consumers who go there can be rude, and ruthless to other consumers. Overall, it’s not a great shopping experience.

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