
Was George Justified In Killing Lennie

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As the shot gun sounded all you heard was the dead silence of Lennie falling to the ground and rolling by the rivers edge. The terror arose for the other men when they heard the gunshot assuming the worst, that George was the one shot. All the men thought it was time for Lennie to die, They never put into consideration how nice of a man Lennie was he just had a little mental disability. After reading the book you might have a different opinion if you thought Lennie should have been shot by George, but they were practically brothers they have been together since they were youngins. In this case I do not think George was justified in killing Lennie because he didn't mean for harm to got towards Curley’s wife, he had a mental disability and, …show more content…

Whenever her head pops in the door it is not a good time for anyone but herself. After rapidly telling her to go away Lennie got pulled into her manipulative hands and they started talking. “ Ever’body likes that. I like to feel silk an’ velvet. Do you like to feel velvet?” That quote shows that Curley’s wife was luring Lennie in to talking to her and also touch her hair. After that Lennie went in to touch her hair, after Curley’s wife constantly yelling at Lennie she was annoyed how he wouldn't let go then came the horrid nightmare for Lennie. Lennie latched on and would not let go, then the shaking began, Lennie was so angry at her for yelling and he shook her so hard by the neck consequenting in Curley’s wife’s neck to be broken and kill her he had done what everyone had wanted to do for …show more content…

In the beginning of the book Curley’s wife was classified as a ‘tramp’ or ‘slut’ by the workers because she wouldn't talk to Curley the way she would to them. She also talked to the workers like she owned them. Technically she did but he shouldn't have talked to them that way and this quote says it all. "Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain't even funny." This shows that when she heard from Crooks something that she didn't like she pulled out the power card. As you can conclude all the power from being the daughter in law of the boss all the power that she made up went to her head when she didn't even like the person that gave her

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