
Wasted Water By Kyle Rabin: Article Analysis

Decent Essays

According to the article "Wasted Food = Wasted Water" by Kyle Rabin, the amount of wasted water, influenced by wasted food, is "by one clever comparison" roughly the same amount of water that is found in Lake Erie (Kyle). While this comparison is indeed clever, allowing the reader to more accurately imagine the water that is wasted, it is saddening to think of the huge amount of water that is literally put down the drain every year. All of this water could be saved if we cut down the amount of food waste we produce each year, in the US alone.
"Grocery stores do it. So do restaurants." said Rabin, referring to the wasted food. He goes on to name several other sources of wasted food such as schools and farmers. These sources contribute to the third of New York City's 20,000 ton daily pile of garbage that is solely …show more content…

But how does food influence water? Well, water is inside of food and when you waste that food you are also wasting water. For example, a pound of wheat flour is about 12 percent water. This water negatively influences the environment when it is wasted. The water that comes from one place, say where an apple is grown, will not necessarily be brought back to that place. Instead, the water in that food will most likely evaporate, if it can. Some food will be locked up in a garbage dump and the water inside of it will not be returned to any place.
In conclusion, the effect of wasting food has drastic consequences. Wasted food is equivalent to wasted water and wasted water upsets our ecosystem. If the thought of the wasted money and water that occur every time food is wasted aren't enough to stop the waste of food, think of the droughts and torrential rains that come with it. Everyone can stop wasting food and in so doing, saving the ecosystem and the world, everyone can be a food and water

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