
We 're Still Divided By Race By Carly Morris

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In the past, humanity faced diverse hardships that were presented differently each time. These hardships include gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, the list could go on for a massive amount of time. And each time, communities have tried to fight back, and with the right kind of effort, won the rights to what they were fighting for. Just like how African Americans, Asian, Latinos, and Whites fought each other for the right of being integrated. However, in today’s society, the public has forgotten their fight for integration, and has segregated themselves through choice. Many folks agree with this notion, making various videos, articles, and maps to educate the world. The video “Racial Segregation in American Schools”, by Carly Morris, claims how segregation has come back in the deep southern parts of America. Also, a map titled “Racial Segregation in American Cities” continues to show us the ongoing theme of the separation of people. Similarly, the article “We’re Still Divided by Race”, by various authors, talks about how segregation is still around, whether by design or by choice. Through numerous appeals and strategies, they all convey the shared argument that personal preferences lead to the segregation of mankind. The transcript of “Racial Segregation in American Schools” is one of the many things that continue to convey the theme through Pathos. When the principal of Central High School explains how it felt to be inside a mixed school, he included how it made him

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