
Wealth Gap Between Whites And Minorities Essay

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Wealth Gap in America America has a lengthy history on how it became the powerful country it is today, and although its history can be interrupted in many ways (depending who you ask) one thing that is for certain is that wealth has yet to be distributed equally amongst minorities. According to the article “Income inequality matter; Extreme gap in wealth makes society unstable.” Philip Meyer claims that the wealth gap between whites and minorities has existed since Ronald Reagans’ term of presidency (A9). Although Ronald Reagans’ term ended many years ago the mistakes that caused this imbalance of wealth (and its aftermath) while he was in office remains almost if not exactly the same as when the problem initially began (Meyer A9). The wealth gap continues to target minorities and is affecting our communities at an alarming rate, however, many attempts have been made to reduce its existence but the factors of income inequality, unemployment rates and discrimination before and after our recent 2007 recession prevents our country from eliminating such a toxic problem. The wealth gap is a problem that which the hard working people of America know very little about. Using Ignorance towards this problem does not cease its existence of it but rather contributes to growth because it’s not being addressed. It’s a problem that seems to affect mainly the minorities of the U.S. population, such as Blacks and Hispanics. However, not everyone is in the dark about this lingering ever

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