
Wealth In America Essay

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The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that as of 2015, 100% of married couples had at least one family member employed, including 19.4% of married-couple families had no one working. In 36% of that 100, the man was employed in that relationship. The possible reason why so many Americans aren’t working could be due to the fact that the way money is distributed in America isn’t what the people think it is, and it isn’t even close to the ideal. Uneven distribution of wealth is the cause of poverty is the United States, and here’s why. “A Harvard businessman interviewed 5,000 Americans on how they thought wealth in the United States was distributed” (Wealth Inequality video). They assumed that the wealth was distributed a little unfairly, with the top 20% owning most of the wealth in a low but even decline into poverty. Then he asked them what they thought would be the ideal distribution of wealth, 92% of them (at least 9/10) said that they thought an “ideal” distribution had the top 20% barely distinguishable from the middle class with the bottom percent not too worse off than the bottom 20% of the middle class. The reality of how wealth in the U.S. is budgeted looks something a like this: the top 20% owning well of half of all the nation’s wealth, the middle class is now as worse off as what citizens thought the bottom 20% …show more content…

According to the Wealth Inequality in America video, the CEO of a company makes 380 times more than the average paid worker. With these numbers, the average worker must work over a month to make what the CEO makes in an hour. That’s insane, there is no way that the average worker does not work as hard as the CEO of the company works, the workers are what make the company what it is. Sure the CEO has worked very hard to get to where they are in the company, but with the way everything else is, can we truly be sure that the way the CEO is getting paid is

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