
Wealth Inequality In America

Decent Essays

In America, we can describe wealth inequality as the unequal distribution of assets within a population. “The United States exhibits wider disparities of wealth between rich and poor than any other major developed nation” (Wealth inequality). The way wealth is defined is by equating the net worth which is the total sum of you assets minus liabilities. What includes in assets is everything that you own such as personal residence, stocks, real estate, and retirement accounts. Now, liabilities cover what a household owes such as, credit card balance, student loan, a car loan, etc… Over the years the average wealth has increased over the past 50 years, but unfortunately it has not grown equally for all groups. “The best official U.S. source of data on household wealth distribution comes from the Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances, an in-depth survey of the finances of some 6,000 American families conducted every three years over the past three decades. The wealth share of America’s top 3 percent rose from 44.8 percent of nation’s wealth in 1989 to 51.8 percent in …show more content…

“Families of color will soon make up a majority of the population, but most continue to fall behind white in building wealth” (Nine Charts about Wealth Inequaliy in America, 2015). Comparing in 1963 and 2013, 1963 average wealth of whites was $117,000 versus in 2013 the average was $500,000 or higher. The racial wealth gap grows sharply with age. White families tend to earn more wealth within their lifetime than an African American or Hispanic. In their 30’s, the average for white families is $140,000 more than an African American families or Hispanics. By the time they are in their 60’s, they have earned more than $1 million. Even though the median wealth by race is lower, the dollar gap grows age, the ratio doesn’t grow the same way. The whites have earned seven times more median than African Americans between their 30’s and

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