
Web Architecture And Components Of Web

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Web Architecture and Components LO1
Web Architecture-
Internet service Providers (ISP’s)
This is a company that provides you with access to the Internet. Common methods for doing this include phone line also known as a ‘Dial Up’ or a broadband connection either with a cable or DSL.
There are also other methods that they use, such as wireless connection.
The ISP will also determine the speed of connection to the internet. It is dependent on the exchange and physically how far away from the wires (that are responsible for the connection) you are.
Web Hosting Services-

These services allow people to make their website accessible via the internet. They provide servers to people to use for their website and they typically allocate a domain …show more content…

This is why we need ways of interfacing between what humans understand and what computers understand. This is what a DNS does. To understand what a DNS system does you need to understand IP addresses and the conversion that a DNS does. An IP address consists of four numbers, each of which contains one to three digits, with a single dot (.) separating each number or set of digits. Each of the four numbers can range from 0 to 255.
• Here 's an example of what an IP address might look like:
Which a machine then converts to:
• 11000000.1010000.0.100001 (padded out)
The problem with IP addresses is that they are difficult to remember and computers convert them to binary anyway.
A DNS allows you to specify a name for your website to work in conjunction with the IP address thus making web addresses easy to remember.
A DNS simplifies and makes life easier for humans, because it is easier for us to remember rather than trying to remember
Web design software-
Web design software is a program that can be used to create a website; it helps because it lays it all out very simply allowing any user to create their own website. Some of the programs that can be used are as follows-
Hardcoding HTML
When you use software it makes creating a web design a lot easier because you can see the changes step by step as you update the look of the software, so there are no unexpected design

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