
What Are Genetically Modified Organisms: Are They Safe?

Decent Essays

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are currently a huge issue all over the globe. GMOS are found in about 80 percent of produced foods. The technology to improve GMOS is new and includes plants and animals being produced from the altering of genes using biotechnology. Food is a very crucial part of a person’s life. The question that stands is “are they safe”? GMOS bring harmful health hazards to the environment as well as to people. People aren’t informed of where their food is coming from or how it threatens the ecosystem. Research on GMOS is not fully covered and the effects of them stand concerning. Safety from GMOS is not guaranteed. Scientists are still trying to understand the effects, therefore this food lies on people’s table without any verification. Some people would say that GMOS will solve the world’s demand for food. However, the production of organic practices used in countries around western Europe is just as efficient. Anderson feels that GMOS are bad for people and that “it seems that the world’s ecosystems, farmers and …show more content…

Polls have found that a vast majority of Americans favor mandatory labels. Dozens of countries, including all 28 members of the European Union and Australia, already require similar disclosures ”(theeditorialboard). This quote supports that as consumers people have every right to know the kinds of damages produced in their foods and in their environment. If it was labeled it would give people the right to choose whether or not they want to continue using GMOS. In Miller’s view, “If food can be produced locally with better efficiency in many poorer nations without compromising the genes… the numbers of hungry individuals can be decreased over time” (Miller). This shows that if other nations can learn how to produce food locally there won’t be a need for GMOS. Therefore, the world would be back on the sustainable

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