
What Are The Legal Requirements For Setting Up Your Specific New Venture

Decent Essays

Legal requirements for setting up YOUR specific New Venture

• PAYE – All employees who earn more than R60 000 per year pay PAYE (Pay As You Earn) on the amount above R60 000 earned and they must complete a tax return. People who are self-employed must also pay PAYE and must pay Provisional Tax at the end of February and August of each year on their income of the previous year.
• SITE – Standard income tax on employees. Employees earning up to R60 00 per year pay SITE and they do not have to complete a tax return.
• VAT – Business that have an annual turn-over of more than R150 000 must register for the payment of value added tax. (VAT)
• UIF – Unemployment Insurance Fund – This fund provides for people who contributed to the fund and …show more content…

The decision helps to manage the business more efficiently. You will find that smaller companies may not have specific departments to deal with particular functions, but may have key individuals to deal with specific requirements of those functions. All companies have hierarchies; this means that there will always be a boss or someone to report to

Now that the organisation knows what it is going to deliver to the customer and how, they shape the organisation in the most effective way to fit what the customer expects

Therefore, based on what the business is delivering to its customers, the organisation can have any of a group of structures, for example: o Hierarchical, functional structure o Inverted pyramid o Matrix structure
Pyramid structure (see example below) o Each department has a specific task o Each manager normally has a group of staff working for him / her o People have often got very limited control o The executive team at the top decides what the vision, direction and strategy of the organisation will be o There are many managers to motivate and manage people

The ‘workers’ are at the bottom

A typical functional organisational structure

The biggest advantage of this structure is that each individual report to only one superior in the organisation.

It becomes clear that the ‘workers’ are the

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