
What Are The Results Of The Articles Of Confederation Dbq

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Shortly after the Declaration of Independence was written and signed America had only one problem at the time that did not involve England. America had no form of government to fill the hole that was made when the separated from Parliament. This led to America creating the first republic ever seen in the whole world. Why did the not just follow in the footsteps of the Europeans country and have a monarchy? Because they did not want the new fund nation to collapse within itself like what was happening at the time and also to try and fix problems that were obvious with Parliament. This lead them to the Articles of Confederation. This document had 13 articles which gave the young America its government. The Articles of Confederation promoted state …show more content…

Unfortunately, the Article of Confederation did not last long. The Articles ended up giving to mush power to the states, which crippled the National government. The reason for this is that the states did not have to pay taxes so the government quickly started to go bankrupt, another crippling force was that it required a 9 state vote for virtually everything, that which didn't require a 9 state vote did require a unanimous vote, both of which rarely happened. Basically there were some mistakes within the articles and they were unable to fix them, which ultimately led to the downfall of the Confederation. Fortunately, before the whole nation came tumbling down, the Constitution and the Amendments were made to replace the Articles of Confederation the Constitution Changed the major problems with the articles, for intense, the Constitution promoted that the people were sovereign not the states this led to Congress having a little more control over the new nation, it also promoted new ideas that were not even heard of in the Article of

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