
War Of 1812: Not Much For Americans To Celebra

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The war of 1812 was caused by several different reasoning’s. First, Britain was at war with France. However, Britain did not want the United States to provide France with food and supplies. This would lead to Britain setting up a particle blockade. Second, between the years of 1802 and 1803 the British had captured (kidnapped) about 6,000 American sailors forcing them to work on British ships. Third, many of the American settlers believed that the British were stirring up the Native resistance to limit settlement. Finally, members of congress like Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun had started to sire up about the ideal of war. This was based off of their resentment towards British violation of maritime rights and Britain’s encouragement of Native American hostility against American expansion in the West. …show more content…

First of all, the war was not even worth fighting. After the U.S. had won they did not even gain the changes of the British policy they set out to win. The war also set out thousands of unnecessary deaths and damages. The military objective that was set to achieve had also failed. “The only real victory that the U.S. had in the entire war came after the formal peace had already been negotiated. The U.S. went to war against Britain at a time when the latter was still embroiled in its conflict with Napoleon.” (Larison, D| April 25, 2014| The American Conservative| The War of 1812: Not Much For Americans To Celebrate) The war of 1812 may have had several reasoning behind going into war, but in the end the war was basically for nothing. The war of 1812 was a big mistake. Even though the war of 1812 may have caused some good effects the overall war was pointless. Everything they set out to accomplish during this war was not accomplished. They may have won the war, but winning the war did not achieve the goals that was set to

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