
What Happened To Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?

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Although full of doubt and disbelief, Cassandra examined one of the white faces. It was cold and still, with a nose made of an acorn, and a mouth smiling with all eleven pebbles. It wasn’t their snowman. Their snowman had an icicle for a nose, unless the icicle had melted away. The second face was less friendly, with an open mouth and crooked teeth composed of little pieces of ice.
“Ghastly,” she muttered under her breath. It was too scary for a Christmas character, but people loved to scare or to be scared, no matter the time of the year. Jack and Hector had made a grisly snow monster, and it had been three days already that the horned half-melted creature gazed at her whenever she passed across their courtyard…
Cassandra stopped the second she sensed a cold breath on the back of her head. It cut through the warm hat and her hair, and made her body shiver. Her sisters didn’t have a breath like that, nor did it resemble the blow of the wind.
“Cassie, get down!” she heard from behind, and sank to the muddy ground. Something whooshed above her head, and the first thing she saw as she looked up was a white avalanche falling over her.
“Cassie, run!” shouted one of her sisters, pulling her out of her immobility. On her knees, crawling through the mud, she heard a loud growl and pressed the …show more content…

Mr. Blizzards had become as stiff as a rock, and his strength was so great that Electra was thrown a few feet away into the slush. Medea snatched a pebble and aimed at the snowman. Her blow was so strong that the pebble passed through the snowman’s body and left an apple-sized hole in his chest. It didn’t seem to worry him a bit. His answer was a loud bellow that sprayed Cassandra's face with drops of melting snow. He swept his broom in the air, crashing a half-destroyed snow figure, and bestowing a long, glassy stare at the three witches, began trudging

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