
What Is Multiple Intelligence Summary

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Multiple Intelligences Summarized and Reviewed by Maryam Tello What is intelligence? This question has been asked for centuries, however, the general meaning of intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply skills and the tools which was traditionally used to measure intelligence. The IQ test measures a person’s intelligence by calculating the ratio of a person’s mental age to their chronological age and multiplying it by a 100. This test has been historically used to estimate who will succeed in life and who won’t, and in my opinion, the general definition of intelligence goes hand in hand with this, because to achieve traditional success one must have the ability to acquire and apply skills. But why does our definition of intelligence even matter? It’s because along with this one …show more content…

A traditional school (the author has labeled these kind of schools “uniform schools”) teach the basic set of facts that everyone should know, however, these types of schools only work for a certain kind of mind (labeled the IQ mind.) while the rest of us aren't that compatible with it, therefore the author has created the “Theory Of Multiple Intelligences. a theory that introduces a pluralistic view of the mind, one that acknowledges and recognizes different types of intelligences. The author believes that all individuals possess, to some extent, a set of cognitive abilities and skills (aka intelligences.) however, all individuals differ in the degree and combinations of skills, I believe that this theory is necessary because it introduces a more humane version of education that works for everyone, and the belief that people learn in different ways. In the following section I will be introducing the intelligences that were proposed in the early 1980s (by Howard Gardner),

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