
What Is Reference In Research

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Six Main References arising from your Research 1: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, (2017), Energy Consumption in the UK (ECUK) 2017, GOV.UK, p21-26, Date accessed (08/10/17). 29% of final energy consumption (energy consumed after transformation) was attributed to the domestic sector. This is a total of 40046ktoe (kilotons of oil), equivalent to 466TWhrs. 80% of this energy was used for water and space heating, the rest being used for appliances. While overall energy demand is increasing, electricity consumption is falling. This is due to gas becoming more common for heating and the number of days that heating is used has increased, while electrical appliances are becoming more energy efficient. I chose to …show more content…

Steinberger, Valerie Dupont, Timothy J. Foxton, (2016), Energy and Buildings, Leeds, pg98-108, Date accessed (08/10/17). Lots of houses in the UK have been built with energy inefficient materials and heating systems due to them being dated. One way to help remedy this is to retrofit the homes with energy saving materials and devices. Modelling of a typical semi-detached house shows that adding wall insulation or a more efficient boiler can increase energy savings by up to 19%. Some less expensive measures such as reducing the overall temperature of the house by 2˚C can save up to 17%. Some measures such as wall insulation are a lot more costly than other methods such as reducing the temperature of the house, but in the long run will likely pay for themselves in saved energy. I chose this publication because the authors behind the work are experienced. They all work at the University of Leeds and work in either the Energy Research Institute or Sustainability Research Institute. Some drawbacks of the research are that it was conducted using a computer model rather than a real-life model, so they may not have accounted for everything, however it should still be a reliable source for information. 4: Carbon Trust, Renewable Energy Sources, London, pg8-16, Date accessed (08/10/17). Some ways of reducing the impact of high energy use is to use renewable energy sources. The buildings will still consume the same amount of electricity as before, however, it will not be

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