
What Is The Purpose Of Queen Victoria

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The daughter of “Edward, the Duke of Kent (and fourth son of King George III) and German Princess Victoire of Leiningen or better known as Queen Victoria rule from 1837 to 1901. She was one of the longest ruling monarch in Britain’s history” (Queen Victoria). Queen Victoria was criticized and satirized by Lewis Caroll as the tyrannical and despotic queen of Wonderland, The Queen of Heart in Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland. She is first seen when Alice arrives in the Queen of Heart’s garden. The dictatorial queen oft holds power over the residents and in return the residents come to fear and averse her presence. “‘Why the fact is, you see, Miss, this here ought to have been a red rose-tree, and we put a white one in by mistake; and if the Queen was …show more content…

Caroll also hints that Queen Victoria is most likely to convict an innocent man or woman to prison due her inability to judge and give the correct punishment as she is often sway by her emotions. The author further juxtaposes Queen Victorian and The Queen of Hearts by accentuating the fact that Queen Victoria is ruthless and vicious when it pertains to punishments. Not only Queen Victoria is known for her overbearing attitude, she can juxtapose due to her love for punishment and judging a crime unfairly just like the Queen of Hearts. “‘You may go, ‘said the King, to the Hatter hurriedly left the court, without even waiting to put his shoes on—and just take his head off outside,’ the Queen added to one of the officers (Through the Looking Glass 102). Caroll uses the Queen of Hearts to satirises Queen Victoria because Caroll would have find her ridiculous with her flaws that makes her incompetent as a Queen. All in all, Queen of Hearts is a character that is parallel to Queen Victoria to deride and ridicule the ruler of Britain during the Victorian

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