
What Is The Theme Of Brownies By Zz Packer

Decent Essays

Analysis of Brownies by ZZ Packer Brownies is a short story by African American writer ZZ packer written in 1999 and printed alongside other stories in her 20003 collection Drinking Coffee Elsewhere. Brownies is situated in suburban Atlanta, Georgia, at camp crescendo, which is a summer camp for students in fourth grade. The story follows the themes of racial segregation and prejudice as the author creatively pits the brownie troop against troop 909 from the very start. From the very start of the camp, the girls in brownie troop took an immediate dislike to the white girls in troop 909 and vowed to “kick their assess” (Packer 2). The rest of the story follows the activities and experiences of troop brownie all …show more content…

Point of view is one of the literary devices that allows authors to accomplish this purpose. The point of view is the manner in which an author interacts with his/her literary world. It provides a creative avenue for skillful readers to capture and direct the attention of the reader to particular emotions, details, and opinions. Thus, the point of view is simply an angle of considering things as embodies with the manner in which the author narrates a story. This paper provides a clear and concise analysis of the short story Brownies by ZZ packer with particular focus on the point of …show more content…

These constant struggles between connection and autonomy are perhaps more palpable when Arnetta called for the brownies troop to call a secret meeting to discuss what they are going to do to get even with troop 909 for allegedly calling one of them a ‘nigger’. When Laurel showed a little hesitation, the other members looked at her like she is an impediment with Arnetta stating “Snot, you are not going to be a bitch and tell Mrs. Margolin, are you?” (Packer 9). This is just one of the situations where Laurel is faced with a tough choice where she has to weigh between her autonomy and group inclusion. Therefore, through the first-person point of view, the author clearly articulates the issue of human prejudices with particular focus on

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