
What Is The Theme Of The Jon Lenin Xperience

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The Jon Lennin Xperience remains as my personal most loved short story in the collection Pee on Water by Rachel B. Glaser. In the story, the principle character Jason is the brother of a girl who got wealthy by making a prevalent phone app called Fun Face. It is not all that difficult to believe subtle element reflecting the ridiculousness of the Internet age in which we have ended up living. At the same time Jason thinks that it difficult to partake in video games, and to a conceivably considerably more noteworthy degree, in life itself. That is, until he finds the game called Jon Lennin Xperience after his sister starts investing time with her new (genuine) boyfriend, allowing Jason to sit unbothered in their flat. Through the recounting …show more content…

Glaser utilizes language thusly, as well; she veers between phony-fitting nineteenth-century and the voice of out of date convention and a cheeky and very ironic which makes both tongues sound like rituals. This concurrent apprehension of life and hunger for it is the subject of The Jon Lennin Xperience. The title of this short story is a title which not just makes a case for social information John Lennon's life, which it regards as something which can be re-lived, or if nothing else re-bundled in an absolutely depressing manner additionally demonstrates the case will be a broken one, by incorrect spelling Lennon's name and the word experience. The most essential piece of the story The Jon Lennin Xperience which appears the primary purpose of this story is actuality that it is a video game that gives him (main character) a chance to be John Lennon and have intercourse with Yoko Ono a considerable measure, the part he loves the most which closures when he is constrained by the game to murder John Lennon …show more content…

He is made to fill the role of Lennon's killer, generally as Alcott executed her lover with his own weapon. Dangers in Glaser originate from social texts forced upon the brains of people; to her, we are all Manchurian Candidates displayed against ourselves. The million languid options of the video game disappear and what stays for Jason is to take after a solitary yellow line that prompts John Lennon, who Jason was before this minute, or somewhere in the vicinity the game permitted him to believe, however in Glaser, nobody is coveting that verbs its own longing among the apparitions of character, which cast it out at whatever point it feels at home. At the point when Jason declines to execute John Lennon, the game dispatches a frightening messenger to him. In this present reality where verisimilitude has been vital to the game's validity, time hadn't been spent on her face. Her eyes were spots. Her mouth an opening; Yoko Ono has been supplanted by a monster. This story was really weird. Everything from his sister virtually dating Kanye to Jason agonizing over having the capacity to give Yoko Ono a climax was unquestionably

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