
What Is Your Life Goals Essay

Decent Essays

I found myself moving from job to job, to job, over the last eighteen years, never settling down in anyone. I could not find one that was fulfilling to me. Therefore, I have to search myself trying to find out what I truly wanted to do with my life, am I going to continue living as I have been. All I knew, was that I wanted to do something that made a difference, but I didn’t know how or what. It is just as Bill Copeland said, “The trouble of with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” This quote explains accurately how I felt about my life, and now is the time to kick that ball in the net, now is time to stop running aimlessly and set some goals to get my life on track. According to, goals setting is an important method pf deciding what you want to achieve in your life. Separating what’s important from what’s irrelevant, or a distraction. Furthermore, setting goals are imperative as they help you take control of your life and set it in the right direction. It helps you focus on the important things. Goals are also great as they help get you closer to success, if you don’t set goals you will find …show more content…

Although I have always wanted to become a teacher, there were no set plan of action or goals that I set to get there. It did not happen until one day, when I looked in the mirror and I realized that I was getting older and I was not any closer to realizing the dream of becoming a teacher. First and foremost, I need to find out what were the necessary qualifications to becoming a teacher. This also meant that I needed to return to school to obtain these qualifications, this was a very terrifying thought for me being in my late thirty’s. Therefore, I gather all of the information that needed. Now I was equipped and the journey began for me as a student, it felt absolutely wonderful taking the first set towards realizing my

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