
What Role Did James Armistead Play In The Revolutionary War

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Have you ever felt you played a significant role in something but didn't get a lot of credit? This is how the slaves felt in the American Revolutionary war. Slaves played a huge role in the revolutionary war. They fought for both sides the loyalists (british) and the patriots (americans). During the revolutionary war slaves were used as spies often on both sides, for both loyalists and patriots. Some would volunteer to be spies but some were forced against their will to spy. James Armistead is an example of a spy that was a slave during the Revolutionary war. James Armistead was a very important spy that was a slave in the revolutionary war. He was what was known as a double agent, he spied for both sides the loyalists and the patriots. James Armistead gave some crucial information to George Washington that led to the battle that ended the war. This is an example of the crucial role that slaves held in the revolutionary war. Five thousand slaves fought in the Continental army. Eight hundred slaves fought in the British army. Many slaves that were in the British army had often run away …show more content…

Some slaves were told to enlist by their masters in return they would get their freedom. But those promises were often never fulfilled. Some slaves were also just plainly forced to join the war to take their masters places. Slaves held on to the promise of freedom from their masters and Lord Dunmore. Lord Dunmore was a colonial governor who promised any slaves that enlisted in the military would get their freedom. This is a reason why slaves often ran away from the patriots and joined the loyalist cause because of a true promise of manumission. The king proclaimed that if slaves joined the war that they would be granted their freedom. Congress at first banned slaves from joining the army but eventually Lord Dunmore changed

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