
Who Is The 'Other' In The Victorian Era?

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For this response paper, I will be analyzing Michel Foucault’s History of Sexuality. It talks about the Victorian regime and how that affected topic of sex. Sex had its place in the Victorian era, but it had strict regulations on what made sex appropriate; “Codes regulating the coarse, the obscene, and the indecent were quite lax compared to those of the nineteenth century” (p. 3). Picking apart this statement, I can conclude that “coarse, obscene and indecent” were acts of promiscuity, homosexuality, and polyandry. These views, though most are not punishable by law, are still held in a separate category in our modern day society. While they may not be vilified as they once were, they create a divide within communities: The Victorians and the Non- Victorians. …show more content…

One part of this article talks a little bit of the concept of the “other” in Victorian era but that part really stood out to me. The people in the society were split into categories regarding their sexual practices. It was a very heteronormative society, where reproduction was not seen as leisure, rather an act of nature. If a person were to rebel and push against the grain of these societal norms, they would be condemned because “regression operated as a sentence to disappear (p. 4). Meaning that any person who was to speak openly about their personal promiscuity would be persecuted and their own sexuality would be

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