
Why Are School Days Too Long

Decent Essays

Are School Days Too Long? With these long school days children don’t have much time to go out and be a kid. By the time children get home and finish all their homework, there really isn’t much time for sports or spending time with friends and family. Long hours of school put too much pressure on students. According to the state, students are supposed to have three and a half hours of homework a night. Students are assigned about 17 hours of homework a week. There is a total of 168 hours in a week and 64 of those hours are taken from us by school and homework. Out of the 24 hours in a day school, homework, and sleep take 18 hours, which leaves students with just 6 hours to do things. Combine that with sports and after school activities, the average practice for most sports are 2 to 3 hours, which leaves the student with only 3 hours for themselves. If you add dinner into the equation which can take up to an hour ,then students only have two hours a day. Some students also have chores which can take up to an hour or even sometimes more. What can a student do with only 1 hour of time a day for their personal goals.

After lunch there is still an hour of school before students take the buses home, but that hour is useless. After lunch students are sleepy and mentally exhausted and suffer from post-lunch syndrome. If students are tired after lunch, most of them will fall asleep in class and not learn anything. That is very bad, especially if they have a class after

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