
Why Are The Articles Of Confederation Ineffective

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Shortly after America gained independence from England, Americans were faced with the trouble of setting up a strong central government. Several delegates representing their respective states were called to the Continental Congress, where they decided to put together a constitution for the new nation. Delegates agreed that the powers of the government must be limited, so that they wouldn’t resemble the British government. The constitution created by the Congress became known as the Articles of Confederation (1777). Although the government under the Articles of Confederation proved to be useful in establishing western lands, they provided an ineffective form of government due to the economic failures that plagued America. Through the laws such …show more content…

Since Congress was not able to control interstate commerce, states introduced tariffs in order to promote internal trade. States placed high tariffs on goods coming from other states and low tariffs for foreign goods in an attempt to attract foreign goods to their state. Additionally, under the Articles of Confederation, Congress was limited from demanding taxation from the states. Due to this, Congress was not able to generate enough money to operate despite the land ordinances they created. This eventually led to a revolt, which came to be known as Shay’s Rebellion (1786). This was a revolt against the government for failing to issue paper money, ease taxes, and prevent property foreclosures. Members of Shay’s Rebellion demanded money as compensation and began conducting acts of violence. Authorities responded by raising a small army to put down the revolt. The government was not able to provide hard cash to citizens, due to the fact that the government wasn’t able to generate enough money for itself. Under the Articles, Congress could not enforce its tax-collection program. It was limited to establishing a tax quota for each of the states and then requesting them to contribute their share on a voluntary basis, however this quota was seldom satisfied by any state. The economic limitations that the Articles placed on Congress severely hindered Congress’ ability to fulfill its duties to the

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