
Essay on Why Corporations Are Bad for America

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A corporation was originally designed to allow for the forming of a group to get a single project done, after which it would be disbanded. At the end of the Civil War, the 14th amendment was passed in order to protect the rights of former slaves. At this point, corporate lawyers worked to define a corporation as a “person,” granting them the right to life, liberty and property. Ever since this distinction was made, corporations have become bigger and bigger, controlling many aspects of the economy and the lives of Americans. Corporations are not good for America because they outsource jobs, they lie and deceive, and they knowingly make and sell products that can harm people and animals, all in order to raise profits. Corporations in …show more content…

Because of the greediness of large corporations, most factories producing things used in America are located outside the U.S., taking employment opportunities away from Americans. Because corporations are so utterly focused on attaining high profits, they often lie or mislead in order to get consumers to buy their products. There are many examples of this, one of these involving Wal-Mart. “A Brief History of Wal-Mart.” is an article written by T.A. Frank for the Washington Monthly, about Wal-Mart’s beginnings and it’s long history of deceit and abuse. Frank explains that in 1985, the “Made in America” campaign was introduced the corporation. This policy stated that the Wal-Mart would buy American-made products if the price was within 5 percent of a foreign factory’s. In 1992, while this campaign was still technically in effect, Dateline NBC revealed that Wal-Mart employees were putting “Made In America” signs next to products made in other countries. (Frank) In this case, Wal-Mart advertised these products as American made, misleading customers into buying items that they might not have otherwise bought. Even when it comes to things as individually as insignificant as false information on a sign at Wal-Mart, corporations have become pathological liars. It is a bad idea to have dishonest corporations affecting so

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