
Why Did Employees Choose To Join The Union Essay

Decent Essays

1) At what organization/company did you work with union members, what position you held, and what was the name of the union?

- I worked at ISG Steel Mill. I was HR Representative there. My company had over 1,000 steel workers that were represented by United Steelworkers Union.

2) Does your organization/company required employees to join the union?

- Yes, they do. It’s so called a closed shop. All employees that work there must be members of the union.

3) Why did employees choose to join the union?

- They created the union because of poor working conditions. Employees were forced to work long days in unsafe working conditions. That’s what they saw out to change. Employees thought that if they band together and form a union, they would have some leverage with management to enact the changes that they want: shorter work days and less hazard at the workplace so it could be safer. And along with that came somehow higher wages as well and other benefits. But for the most part it was for a shorter work day and better safety conditions.

4) Have you ever participated in the union contract negotiation? If yes, what role did you play and what was it like?

- No, I have not.

5) Have you ever witnessed a strike in your organization/company? If yes, what was the dispute …show more content…

Nonunion employees don’t have a contract, so there are two sets of rules and maybe two sets of benefits. So yes, there is a difference in how they are managed. The organization wants to treat everyone with dignity and respect whether employees are in the union or not. Union members get certain days off and things like that. They allowed so many absences per year which is much greater than nonunion members. Union members cannot be dismissed for minor violations of work rules or they can’t be dismissed for arbitrary reasons. I really think that they find this to be a great benefit to have that collective bargaining

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