
Why Did The United States Entry Into World War 1

Decent Essays

Claim: What claim can you make to answer the document based question?

The United States entrance into World War 1 was not the correct decision
Argumentative Point 1: They only entered the war for money and it only benefitted the wealthy business owners
Evidence from Document #2
Argumentative Point 2: The people who suffered had no say in what was happening
Evidence from Document #3
Argumentative Point 3: They lied to the public and if they did not lie then they would have chosen to not enter
Evidence from Document #4 2. Outline: Briefly outline your essay. MAke sure you provide evidence from the text to support your claim.

Background - Historical Context: Some people believed that wars are worth the cost but is the …show more content…

. . 9 out of 10 are unqualified endorsement of my . . . opposing war with Germany . . .”
Reasoning: The people who actually went into the trenches and fought deadly battles that have a small chance of survival have no say in this predicament. The ones with the money decide their fate and pretty much are giving them a death sentence without hearing their opinion.
Paragraph 4
Argumentative point 3: Lastly, the banks lied to the public, is a reason they should not have entered World War 1.
Textual Evidence (cite sources): As stated in Document 4,
“The committee's report also suggested that U.S. bankers had pressured President Wilson to support England and France . . .”
“ [The bankers did this] in order to protect the millions of dollars in loans that banks had made to those countries.”
Reasoning: The banks lied straight to the public’s face which influenced their decision to go to war. If the bankers did not do this, then the results would have been completely different. Also in Document 4, there is a public survey that was done that shows that 64% of the population who took it did think it was a mistake for the United States to enter World War 1 compared to the 28% who disagreed.
Paragraph 5
Counter Argument: Some people may argue that It was justified to go to war because of the many cruel

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