
Why Do Companies Use Non-GAAP Earnings?

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The United States has become increasingly concerned with the quality of earnings reported from companies. Although the quality of earnings should be able to be used as a predictor to the future of the company, management policies have been able to find a way that makes the company seem as if incoming income is steady, even if it is not. Ways like over and understating stating expenses can make a company seem better than they are. While the use of non-GAAP earnings can have benefits, many individuals are worried that using non-GAAP earning will lead to giving out false financial reports. No matter the accounting method used, all managers must act ethically on behalf of the law, and the company.

The quality of earnings, reported by companies is simply the portion of income that comes from the operating functions of the business. The quality of earnings is one way that individuals can use the reported income to predict the company's future. Another way to put it is that the earnings quality is "The …show more content…

Critics worry that non-GAAP earnings will lead to misleading financial information. ( The use of non-GAAP earnings means that the information is confusing, and not a good indicator of the future. In addition, this means that the quality of earnings will be lower because of the misleading figures of the earnings. With this, there are a few benefits that come from non-GAAP earnings. Reports from non-GAAP earnings can show the other side of financials that GAAP does not. Whether companies have high or low-quality earnings, or use non-GAAP earnings, or earnings management, all employers, managers, and owners need to be ethical when deciding how and what accounting practices within their

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