
Why Do Professional Athletes Be Paid?

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In today’s world of professional sports, many athletes are dealing with off-field issues that cause a lot of controversy in our society. It is difficult to deny that many professional athletes commit serious crimes such as domestic violence and remain in the sport that glorifies them so much. There is absolutely no glory in domestic violence. The perspective society has regarding professional athletes today is a powerful one that carries with it a high social responsibility. For this reason, athletes that are convicted of a domestic violence crime should not be allowed to continue in their sports profession.
When you allow athletes to continue in their sports profession following a domestic violence crime, essentially the law is publicly condoning …show more content…

A less severe punishment such as serving probation or minimal amounts of time in prison paired with an intervention course would suffice. League-issued suspensions and probations would not be harsh enough because of the overall status professional athletes have. Multi-million dollar contracts, constant media attention, and sponsorships are some of the common perks of being a professional athlete. The one true thing that gives these athletes all of those perks is the game they love to play. If professional athletes were aware that the game they love so much could be permanently taken away from them, it is quite possible that many of them would rethink their actions. The potential consequences that could result from engaging in domestic violence might be enough to at least show other athletes that such behavior will not be tolerated, preventing further violence. With the super star status some of these athletes hold, it is easy to see why they might believe the law can’t touch them or that they are invincible. Probation or small prison sentences will only keep these players temporarily out of the game that has made them who they are. Taking the game permanently away from them will truly teach them the consequences of their

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