
Why Is It Important To Go Paperless In Colleges

Decent Essays

Today’s Generation of students are coming into the world where technology is a major part of schooling. Unlike older generations technology wasn’t as advanced as it is today where it was standard to have a typewriter to write papers in college. To give my view on the topic at hand I feel that is important for colleges to go paperless and it best for newer students for the reason it saves trees, choice to attend classes, and different avenues for help in subjects. To go paperless in colleges is a good thing there are over 1,000 4-year colleges without adding 2-colleges and public schools which means there are many students. With that, means there are teachers that give pupil’s work that require to be written on paper. Then you have teacher who have to print the paper out for each class schedule they have. In, result this waste a substantial amount of paper and wastes trees to be cut to produce those papers. This number becomes bigger as more schools are being created and instructors giving assignments out. To counteract this ongoing problem is going paperless this way save an exponential amount material. It allows instructors to use other means of teaching like using …show more content…

Before technology became so advanced it was standard that a college bound person go to their choice and take classes at the university. Since then online classes has started to become on the rise giving students a choice. For those who do not like the whole classroom set up gives students option to go online while still attending you university of your dreams. Another way it helps for students. Those who are strict on time everyone has a schedule some might have more on their agenda than other which does not help if they have to the college site after work to fix this problem is online. Giving students a different avenue to complete their college experience better them for the

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