
Why Is Phineas Gage Lucky

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Phineas Gage, Lucky or Unlucky?

Survivors of traumatic brain injury are lucky. Two examples of lucky traumatic brain injury survivors are Phineas Gage and Gary Busey. These two are lucky along with the other millions of traumatic brain injury survivors. Phineas Gage and Gary Busey were both lucky because they were given a second chance at life. In addition both narrowly evaded death. Phineas Gage, a traumatic brain injury survivor, was lucky. The first reason Phineas Gage was lucky is that the tamping iron that went through his head took a path that did not kill him. Phineas could have died in over twenty different ways if the tamping iron had taken a different path through his head. I know this because in the book “Phineas Gage” it states

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