
Why Is The American Dream Dead

Decent Essays

The American Dream is dead The American dream is dead! I have reached this conclusion for a very simple reason: It’s true. The key elements of the American dream is a living wage, retirement security, the opportunity for one's children to get ahead in life are now unreachable for all but the wealthiest among us. And it’s getting worse. As inequality increases, the fundamental elements of the American dream are becoming increasingly unaffordable for the majority of its United States citizens.
One of my examples is there was a time when middle-class families could lead a comfortable lifestyle on one person’s earnings. One parent could work while the other stayed home with the kids. and they would have zero struggle of doing it too Those days …show more content…

That’s for the wealthy.
There is actually a “Affordable Care Act” though… how come people can't afford it? you may ask. it was designed to increase the number of Americans who are covered by health insurance. But health coverage in this country is the worst of any highly developed nation and that’s for people who have health …show more content…

KIDS. They are the reason why people go in debt. the first year the baby averages 12,000 dollars that’s takes away a lot out of people's budget and most certainly if the money is only coming from one person but in this day and age it was cost 245,000 dollars to raise a kid to just a newborn to all an adult at age 18 and this is without college tuition if you're paying for that.
What really makes it difficult about having a kid and trying to live the american dream with that kid is your family won't be that wealthy if both partners don't work for the kid and raise a kid in poverty is not the american dream.
My very last financial problem why the american dream is dead is because college tuition is crushing a generation of non-wealthy Americans. Education for every American who wants to get ahead? Forget about it. Nowadays you have to be rich to get a college education; that is, unless you want to begin your career with a mountain of debt..tuition at a private university was projected to cost at an average of $130,000 on average over four years, and that’s not counting food, lodging, books, or other

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