
Why Is The Third Little Pig Admirable

Decent Essays

The Three Little Pigs Essay

The third little pig is an admirable character because he works hard, he is brave, and because he is willing to outwit his enemy, the wolf.He works hard by building his house, he is brave because he stands up to the wolf, and he is intelligent because he is willing to outsmart the enemy. The first reason why the third little pig is hard working is because he took the time and effort to build a brick house.He first found the bricks which probably were hard to find.Then after he found them, he had to transport them to the location where is the house was going to be.He then continued to lay the bricks down one by one to make a well-structured house to repel enemies.He is additionally hard working not only because he built the house out of brick but because he put up four walls a roof and even a chimney.For him to know the proper functions of a chimney is outstanding, but for him to actually …show more content…

Just think about a small pig outsmarts a big wolf I mean what are the chances of that happening.But still, the third little pig makes it a reality.This pig is smart enough not only to come up with an immense plan to overall run circles around the wolf but to go through with it shows his determination to outmaneuver the wolf.For example, when the wolf asks the pig to go to the marketplace to get some vegetables the pig goes an hour earlier, again outsmarting the enemy.As well as at the end of the story where the pig willing lets the wolf through the chimney only to put him in a big pot and have him for dinner.This shows that the pig is intelligent enough to come up with a way to overall get revenge for his brothers. That is all the reasons for why I think the third little pig in the Three Little Pigs is an admirable character, by being hard working, brave and intelligent enough to outwit

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