
Why Should The South Leave The Union Essay

Decent Essays

Recommendation to the South Should the South leave the Union? Yes, the South should leave because the events of the 1850s are only making the disagreement on slavery worse. For example, some events that should convince the South to leave the Union are the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act, Uncle Tom's Cabin, the Brooks-Sumner Affair, and the John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry. One event why the South should leave the Union is because of the Compromise of 1850. The Compromise introduced the idea of popular sovereignty, which allowed the people of a territory to vote on the issue of slavery. It also overturned the Missouri Compromise of having a balance between free and slave states. California was added to the Union as a free state, …show more content…

The Fugitive Slave Act allowed for the capture and return of runaway slaves. It also punished anyone who was caught helping them. This should have been beneficial for the South, but the Northerners didn’t follow through on their side of the compromise; it just made the Northerners angry and caused them to create "personal liberty laws" that nullified the act. Even though state laws shouldn’t override federal laws, it just shows that the Northerners were powerful and that it would be better if the South would just leave before the North takes …show more content…

John Brown was an abolitionist who tried to get rid of slavery quicker. He was tired of the peaceful demonstrations going on, so he decided to use violence. His plan was to march in Harper's Ferry, with an army of eighteen men, and take all of their federal weapons; this plan failed and led to the hanging of five men, including himself. Brown became a martyr for the abolitionists and it encouraged them to want to abolish slavery faster. This shows that the South should leave the Union before any rebellion or war starts about the issue of

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