
Why Video Games Have Made A Shift Into Mainstream Pop Culture

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The term pop culture can be defined as ‘The culture of the people’ a culture that flourishes through social interaction and mass media that is most actively involved in by the public. Pop culture can cover a wide range of materials and as such should be looked at as a topic open to discussion, interpretation as to why it is popular and what makes it popular. Since pop culture includes an expansive spectrum of subjects I am going to be focusing on one of those and that is Video games. In this essay I will be exploring the ideas and theories of why I believe video games have made a shift into mainstream pop culture.

Before I start discussing video games I would like to explore the ideas of how cultures emerge and how this eventually relates to my study. Lehman, D. R., Chiu, C.-Y., & Schaller, M. (2004) in ‘Annual review of Psychology’ define culture as “represents a coalescence of discrete behavioural norms and cognitions shared by individuals within some definable population that are distinct from those shared within other populations” These beliefs and behaviour whatever they may be in any culture can give us a backing for realising individual or group goals that can often be categorised in a variety of formal or informal ways. For example we could look at the eSports international events of League of legends as a formal organization of a culture in effect, we have official merchandise, promotions, advertising, a massive fan base and of course the athletes

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