
Woman Hollering Creek Analysis

Decent Essays

There are decisions made that one later regrets, Making the wrong decision allows one to learn from their mistake and move on. Many people often view their life as the ones seen in soap operas and ignorantly refuse to face the life of reality. In addition, this creates one to make decisions that one never knew they would even make. In relation to Cleofilas, she made a decision to stay in an abusive relationship in which she later regrets. Her hopes and expectations about marriage were high having inspiration from the romance in telenovelas. She refuses to leave her husband Juan Sanchez because of her passion from the telenovelas. The telenovelas is what keeps her from loving him. With that, Cleofilas loses her happiness and freedom once she marries Juan and moves to America with him. “Woman Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros portrays the dangers of escaping an unwanted reality by living in a fantasy world which creates wrong mistakes and regrets.
“The American Dream” that many immigrants hope for and the telenovela’s seem to shape Cleofilas dreams and expectations of her marriage. When her father stated that he would not abandon her, Cleofilas did not pay much attention to his saying. Instead, she was so caught up fulfilling her marriage. Growing up watching …show more content…

People like to view their life as if they were in one of those soap operas. Most women want to believe that marriage is something romantic forgetting the situations that is also involved in a relationship. Also, people who view their life as a fantasy more often have higher hopes with the wrong mistakes. People seem to assume that their dream and fulfillments will come true in just a click but they forget the reality in it. There are many women out there that relate to Cleofilas. Once the fantasy life gets into one’s mind, one will start making decisions that end up being regretted because of the unrealistic choice

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