
Xacc/280 Week 5 Capsim

Satisfactory Essays

a. The financial statements I would use are the Balance Sheets, Income Statements, Cash Flow Statements, and Shareholders Equity Statements from the last 2-5 years. In order to better assess the company it would be advantageous to understand the company’s business, industry and their competitors. In addition, to assist in the assessment of the company, it would be helpful to have financial ratios of the company’s competitors and the industry, too.
b. As a financial manager, my focus would be on improving the firm’s cash flow and cash return on investments by determining which units in the business are generating or depleting the firm’s cash.
In addition, I would assist in developing a more meaningful/candid relationship with the board of directors concerning the firm’s results and their expectations of management. Also, l would eliminate existing incentive plans. …show more content…

The lower the risk that is associated with an investment, that investment usually has a potential for lower returns. Conversely, if there are high levels of risk associated with an investment, and in turn a potential for a higher return. For example, stocks traditionally have a potential for higher return than bonds over time because stocks are usually a riskier investment than bonds.
No, an individual investor cannot pick stocks that will beat the market on a consistent basis. The basis of the efficient market hypothesis believes that it is not possible to beat the market.
This is because the market has all of the available information for a particular stock and will issue returns based on this information. As investor, you could never consistently get a better return than what the market is bearing because you could never consistently know more than the

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