
ap dbq 1

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Name: Samantha McClure Date: October 14th, 2014 Graded Assignment Document-Based Question: Religious Views on War Complete and submit this assignment by the due date to receive full credit. (45 points) 1. To complete this Graded Assignment, retrieve the Religious Views on War DBQ. Use this document with its essay instructions and the DBQ Checklist to complete this DBQ essay. Please consult the rubric throughout the process. Using the documents, compare the views of major world religions on war. What additional kind of document(s) would you need to compare the views of major world religions on war? Essay: While some religions, like Christianity and Islam, may have defended war in time of defense, other such as Buddhism condemned war …show more content…

God does not love transgressors. There will be a reward for those who fight for God.” (doc.8) These documents are trying to explain that fighting for God is good, but fighting for no reason is useless/ pointless. If you shall fight for God than you will be rewarded, if you fall in battle you are promised a spot in heaven. All of these documents are similar in their view of religion on war. Some are clearer to understand like doc. 6 and doc. 8. Others where a little more challenging, such as doc.1 and doc.3. Some groupings were harderto figure out, while other were simple. Scoring Your teacher may use the following rubric and scoring instructions to grade your response. Generic Core Scoring Guide for AP European History Document-Based Question (score scale 0–9) Basic Core Points Expanded Core Points 1. Provides an appropriate, explicitly stated thesis that directly addresses all parts of the question. Thesis should not simply restate the question. 1 Expands beyond basic core of 1–7. The basic score of 7 must be achieved before a student can earn expanded core points. Examples: Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis. Shows careful and insightful analysis of the documents. Uses documents persuasively as evidence. Analyzes point of view in most or all documents. Analyzes the documents in additional ways—groupings, comparisons, syntheses. Brings in relevant

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